We are all English Majors for different reasons. Some people are in the program because of their love for the language, others for a love of books, maybe literature is what saved you through those horrid high school years… and the list continues. But what brought you into this literary world? Who showed you your first book? Made the words dance, come alive right before your eyes? What character stole your heart? Who did you go on adventures with while you sat wrapped up in a blanket in a rainy day? Literature has the power to transform and we want to know how it has done that in your life. What is the literary world that you live in? And how did it all begin?
Rules: Write a 300- 500 word post about your literary world with 1-2 pictures, including but not limited to: What brought you to literature, how do you explore, understand, express, and enjoy through literature, and what does this entail for you personally? Do you have shelves of unopened books that one day you will read? Or maybe you push your literature preferences on others without even realizing it? We want to hear about the fun and quirky things that make up your literary life!