Tag Archives: skier

Hi, I’m Gideon Burton

I’m a professor, digital enthusiast, skier, amateur artist, and Latter-day Saint. And I’m an English major.

Gideon & Karen Burton at home with books

Gideon & Karen Burton at home with books

Although it’s been many years since I was an undergraduate, I still consider myself an English major. Literature has defined my life, and the analytical and expressive skills I gained as a BYU English major have served me well throughout life. My wife is an avid reader and has been part of a book club for years. We are always talking about books. Just this morning I was telling Karen about a book I discovered in a Barnes & Noble in Denver last week called The Graphic Canon, which looks at the history of stories from a visual point of view (I might use it in a future history of civ course I teach…). She is reading a novel today called Voss set in 19th-century Australia. I have a passion for writing sonnets, which you can sample at my sonnet blog, Open Source Sonnets

One of my favorite books is Herman Melville’s Moby Dick.

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