Hi, I’m Katherine DeFord

I’m a traveler, a Potterhead, an animal lover, an admirer of puns, and an Oregonian. And I’m an English major.

Katherine DeFord

Casually taking a selfie in front of the Eiffel Tower

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve wanted to be a writer. My first stories were always written in bright colors with horrendous spelling, but they were mine nonetheless. That pastime evolved into a passion for the English language, and I read books constantly, as well as brainstormed ideas and characters for books I wanted to write. What I’ve wanted to do in the English field has varied throughout the years, and I even dabbled with the idea of dropping that whim altogether and pursuing psychology. Now, though, I’ve decided that I want to share my love for English with the world, and I hope to move to Italy to teach it in a school there.

One of my favorite books is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë.

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