Category Archives: Student Profiles

My Story Episodes 001 and 002

The BYU English Society presents the first two episodes of its weekly audio podcast, My Story.

Episode 001: English Society members tell “their story.”

Episode 002: Davis Blount sits down with English Society President Jenny Poffenbarger to discuss her web content internship with the Church, her experience as an English major and an embarrassing moment she had with Elder David A. Bednar.

Sam Lund

I’m a social media fiend, an introverted people person, a wanna-be foodie, a college cheerleader, and I’m an English Major.

Sam, Lund

Sadly, not an Oprah gif.

Some people may think that being a cheerleader and an English major is contradictory. How is it possible to be a quiet bookworm and yell like a crazy person in front of 60,000 people at the same time? To answer that question—I’m not sure. All I know is I love people and I love reading. That’s what brought me to English.

For me, the English major has been anything but burying my nose in dusty books (although I don’t mind brushing the cobwebs off an old friend now and again). In case you weren’t aware of what you are viewing, it’s called the Internet, and, contrary to popular belief, it’s not all cat videos and Oprah gifs. Everything I love about literature and English can be seen through the fresh and exciting lens of social media. And trust me; it’s not as contradictory as it sounds. Right now on social media, people are taking literature and making it new, interesting, and even more meaningful. I thrive on seeing my favorite works remixed online, and all the ways people interact with those texts and with other people.
It was here at BYU where not only I found (mush alert!) my husband, but I discovered that I could do many things I enjoy simultaneously. Thank goodness for the English major. And gooooooo Cougars!

One of my favorite books is The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon by Washington Irving.




Jessica Romrell

I am a reader, a writer, a tennis player, a violinist and I’m an English major.

Romrell, Jessica

Jessica Romrell

I am and always have been an avid reader. This began with my father buying me the Harry Potter books on CD. I spent many hours listening to those books, and since then I have loved reading. I love it so much, that I’m going to turn it into a profession. I am minoring in editing, and my dream is to become an editor or book reviewer for science fiction/fantasy novels.

One of my favorite books is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Tanner Schenewark

I’m an older brother, a Harvard Business School Enthusiast, and a classical music aficionado. And I’m an English Major.

Taylor Scheneweck

The Triumph of Life

I want to be a better reader and a better writer. That’s why I’m an English major. I believe that these two things are our best help during life’s quest, whatever that may be. My quest leads me variably in the direction of constitutional questions, for-profit philanthropy, and a great mortal purpose I haven’t completely discovered. I have a blog of my own writing, but it’s hidden: ) I’ve been published at least twice and questionably a third time, and would love to start my own business, as long as it’s fun and helps people. I discover myself through teaching.

One of my favorite books is John Henry Cardinal Newman’s The Idea of a University.




Hi, I’m Kate!

I’m a musician, a gamer, a fan of stormy weather, and a film lover. And I’m an English major.

Katie Neish

Me and my adorable husband.

For a long time I wanted to be a music major, but I ended up finding my true calling in English. When I was just three or four years old, I would pull my yellow wagon over to the bookshelf, pull every single book off and place it in the wagon, and “read” them for hours and hours. I suppose I should have seen my English major coming a long way off! In all seriousness, I love words, and I love learning how to use them. I like all kinds of writing, but I love that the skills I’m learning in the English program are applicable to almost everything else I do. Isn’t language wonderful?

One of my favorite books is Jane Austen’s Persuasion.

Hi, I’m Kurt, son of Thor!

I’m a writer (burgeoning), an epic fantasy reader (avid), a Utahn, and a fighter. And I’m an English major.

Kurt Anderson

I’m actually a panda masquerading as a human.

Sadly, my surname does not follow the Scandinavian tradition and is actually Anderson, after a much more distant ancestor. But a little bit about me…I thought that I was a Biochemistry major, but last semester I discovered my true destiny as an English major. This has led to a whirlwind of change as I have redefined my professional career plans, but I’m ready to get involved. I love to read, mostly epic fantasy (Brandon Sanderson is a big role model), I’m learning to write and loving it. And I do fight, but not to kill.

I’ve grown up most of my life in Utah, with only a short stint in California (it was wacky). I hope that I can get to know many more people who share my irrational love of epic fantasy books, such as the Wheel of Time or pretty much anything from Brandon Sanderson. I love the classics, too, though I know far too few. You’ll have to bear with me until I can fully expound on the virtues of Milton or Virgil.

And that’s about it. You can amuse yourself by visiting my blog, which I recently made due to peer pressure AKA seeing everyone else on here with a blog. But I do try and talk about (semi)relevant things from a witty point of view.

P.S. I’m a rather eligible bachelor, in case you were wondering

P.P.S. That post-script was in no way influenced by prevailing social and cultural norms, or my mother. Also just in case you were wondering.

One of my favorite books is Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson’s Memory of Light.



Hello, I am Kekai Gonsalves

I am an ever growing poem. I am a knot of stubborn hair. I am a daughter of a rock in the ocean. I am an English major.

Kekai Gonsalves

Kaua’i, Hawai’i

My eyes are dark as the shadows of reef under the deep ocean. My thin collarbones extend as hands do when they serve. My skin has an inherited tan with a golden tint from the sun’s presence of day. My lips are left bronzed by humid air. My hair is a dark brown and to care for it, I bend my neck forward for my chocolate curls to follow. I twirl it between my hands eight times, place it at the top of my head, spiral the ringlets, and tuck the strands’ ends into the ring of brunette hair. Attributes do not define me, yet the messy, relaxed bun I form is a depiction of my culture and an image I live to parallel. I form my bun as natives pound and shape a local plant into a paste. It is shaped as I balance on my bicycle, tires colliding with my beaten path home. It is shaped as I contend passionately for a ball on a youthful soccer field of grass, sweat, and bruise. It is shaped as I hold a pencil between my pressed lips and smooth teeth in haste of writing an essay. It is shaped as I park my cherry pick up at the beach. It is shaped as I feel leather binding in my palms and embrace scripture. The bun enables me to do many things. Without hair flowing freely, I am able to execute any labor or toil. I hope to always be able to hold myself together and fulfill a duty. The best way to put my shoulder to the wheel is to put my hair in a knot at the top of my head first. I seek to be beautiful, hold my head high, and hold my bun higher.

One of my favorite books is The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.


Amanda Breck

I’m a military brat, a reader, a writer, a golfer, and I’m an English major.

Breck, Amanda

These are a few of my favorite things.

I haven’t been in the English program for very long, but so far I’ve loved every minute of it. I’ve been reading and writing since before I can remember. My mom occasionally pulls out stories I wrote in elementary school to embarrass me with. I always carry a little notebook, and my hands are always covered in ink from how much I write. I started a blog in 2010 to share my short stories, but I quickly moved into the world of book blogging. I fell in love with reading young adult literature, and post reviews whenever I have time. If you’re looking for a great YA book to read, I hope you’ll check out my blog, Amanda’s Writings.

One of my favorite books is Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones.

Hi, I’m Rachel Knecht.

I’m a casual fashionista, a dessert-lover, a passionate road-tripper, and a comedy enthusiast. And I’m an English major.

Knecht, Rachel

Rachel thinking about life.

I’m an indecisive student, which I think actually opens up a world of possibilities. English has always seemed right, as I love words, reading, talking, writing, texting, emailing, song lyrics, smart dialogue in movies, TV, plays, etc., and good conversation and debate (basically any variation and usage of language). I’m still discovering what I’m most passionate about, but the way human nature is so vulnerably portrayed in writing gets me every time; I can’t help but get chills when words teach me, or reveal something about me and others.


Ashley Rowe

I’m a Southern Utahan, an animal and people lover, a swimmer and a historical fiction reader. And I’m an English Teaching major.

Ashley Rowe

Life’s good, isn’t it?

I can’t believe that my years as an undergraduate at BYU are almost over, but I’ve loved each second of it! I have grown to love English more than I ever thought possible, and to be able to have the experience of teaching it to students is more amazing that I ever imagined! After I leave, I’m going to still actively seek out opportunities for book groups, creative writing outlets, and other events and meetings having to do with literature and English. Literature is a huge part of my life, and if I didn’t have it, I don’t know where I would be!

One of my favorite books is Anne of Green Gables.


