Tag Archives: cello

Hello, I’m Tanner Ellsworth

I’m a pre-med student, a musician, a lover of sushi and jazz, and I’m an English major.

Tanner Ellsworth

Home from my mission in Japan (on left).

I am an English major because I am passionate about understanding others. In my opinion, no other field of study provides as broad a view of humanity, culture, and global perspective. I love that I can more deeply understand the difficulties of mental illness and then gain a perspective of oppressed women in Afghanistan through the voices in literature. Because of literature, I have felt the connection of emotion and experience that is a common thread in great writing. Being an English major has given me the perspective and empathy that I hoped to gain through higher education. I’ve loved every class and never looked back!

One of my favorite books is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer.

Find me on Instagram, Facebook, and Mormon.org