Tag Archives: scifi

I’m Adam Burton

I am a bibliophile, a cartoonist, a biker and aspiring author. And I’m an English major.

My graphite incarnation.

My graphite incarnation.

All my life I have embraced language and literature as a second nature. (I was even chastised in elementary school for “reading too much.”) My love of stories has often inspired me to create my own stories, whether through novel-writing — especially NaNoWriMo — or through my own crazy style of cartooning. I enjoy learning about and experiencing many subjects, including biology, music, history and biking, but I always turn back to the study of literature because it tells us so much about the human experience and empowers us to see meaning in the world.

One of my favorite books is Norton Juster’s The Phantom Tollbooth.

Adam is the official cartoonist for the English Society blog. Watch for his humorous art in posts to come…