Tag Archives: vlogging

Hello, I’m Ashley Barlow

I’m a Ravenclaw, a Disney Nerd, a Trekkie, an actor, a nerdfighter, and a gamer. And I’m an English major.

I have wanted to be an English major for as I can remember. My love for the written word started very early and has now branched into many different forms of expression. I love the theater, spoken-word poetry, comic books, movies, newspapers, and vlogging. I’m one of the geekiest nerds and one of the nerdiest geeks you will ever meet. If it’s geeky/nerdy, I probably have my fingers in that fandom. I’m from Nauvoo, Illinois in the beautiful midwest. I love country music. Despite my love for trying to be grammatically correct, I say “y’all” a lot. I love to read and I’m so excited to have a major that will allow me to do that. I believe in the magic of books that can transport us anywhere we want to go.

One of my favorite books is James Dashner’s The Maze Runner