Tag Archives: YA fiction

I’m Jordan Wright

I’m a novice-fisherwoman, a world traveler, a newlywed, a YA lit addict, and a bad cook. And I’m an English major.

Jordan Wright

So…fishing is fun, yeah?

Despite loving all my literature classes, I will still choose the YA/JF section of the library every time. I hope to write my own novels someday, but if not then I will at least blog about the books the rest of you are brave enough to write (follow the link below to my book blog). I have been married for less than a month and just transferred here from Utah State University to be with my husband, Zach. He is my best friend and cooks me really yummy Mexican food. I love any excuse to wear a costume, decadent desserts, palindromes and puns. (And alliteration…apparently.) I think I’m a lot funnier than I probably am. I speak enough Chinese to order food and hail a cab, but all I can say in Russian is “put your hands up and give me all your money.” I caught my first fish last week, I use hash-tags in all the wrong places, and I’ve never been a slave to fashion. I am pretty lost on campus right now, and I would love as many beautifully-nerdy-book-loving friends as I can get. #Glissues (English-major issues) #GTHBA (Good Times Had By All) #allgoodhashtagscomeinthrees.

One of my favorite books is The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare.

Check out my book blog: “Dick, Jane, and Edward Don’t Live Here.