Tag Archives: beach

Hi, I’m Courtney Green.

I’m a hiker, an army brat, a beach bum, and a lover of classic literature. And I’m an English major.

Courtney Green

Having lunch at Hooper Springs, a hometown hangout.

I have always had a strong passion for books and reading. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve known that whatever I’m going to do in this life, it has to do with reading. Of course, back when I was younger, that desire was limited to “I’m going to grow up and read books all day, every day and live with mommy and daddy!” As I’ve grown older, while my love for all books hasn’t decreased, I’ve grown more attached to classic literature. I read Pride and Prejudice in Eighth Grade and completely fell in love with that era. They just had a certain way of writing and expressing themselves that I feel has been lost over time. I spend almost every free moment I have reading and rereading these amazing novels that have shaped my high school years. Someday, I hope to go out there and discover those amazing novels out there and bring them to light!

One of my favorite books is Ramona by Helen Hunt Jackson.

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