Tag Archives: Classic Literature



Episode 17 of the BYU English Society’s podcast, My Story, features Kate Neish, a stay at home mom, English Major, and 2015 English Symposium participant. Kate graduated just a few months ago, and shortly thereafter welcomed her first son into the world. Kate overcame every obstacle as a pregnant student, and made it through with flying colors. Her background in English has given her a unique approach to motherhood as she likens great literature to her life. Kate has always been passionate about English, but starter her time at BYU as a Music Major. Eventually she found her way home and decided to switch to the English Major, and focus on the art of literature. Kate said that in choosing the English Major, “learning was [her] objective” and now her communication, reasoning, and analytical skills are deeper and more easily applied. Play the podcast embedded above, and please check out all our episodes featuring stories of applying one’s English by visiting the BYU English Society SoundCloud page.

Kate’s Interview

Hi, I’m Amie Wambach

I’m a poet, a reader, a baker, an orator, a feminist, and a Montanan. And I’m an English major.

Amie Wambach


When I was seven years old, my mom gave me a copy of Little House on the Prairie and told me I wasn’t allowed to move until I read at least one chapter. I got one page into the book, and was hooked for a lifetime. I have never been picky about genres, my interests range from fantasy to historical fiction, classic literature to horror, sci-fi to biography. Some of my favorite authors are Shannon Hale, J. R.R. Tolkien, and Diana Wynne Jones. My passion for reading soon grew into a love for writing. I have had stories and poems floating around in my head and scribbled into random notebooks since I was ten, most of them unfinished. Writing has always been the most natural and honest form of communication for me, but during my sophomore year in high school I decided to take a risk and join the speech and debate team. I soon found my niche as an orator, writing my own ten minute speeches then memorizing and performing them in front of a judge. While I never grew into a particularly strong public speaker, I never quit. I have always been shy, but the ability to reach and communicate to people ideas I am passionate about is addictive. I want to be an editor, probably for children’s and young adult literature, because I cannot imagine a life where I am not surrounded by stories and words.

One of my favorite books is Shannon Hale’s Book of a Thousand Days.


Hi, I’m Emily Hubbard

I’m a book blogger, a home cook, a newlywed, and a soon-to-be mom. And I’m an English major.

Emily Hubbard


I’ve always known I wanted to be a writer someday, so I knew from the moment I walked onto BYU campus that I wanted to be an English major. I loved reading classics for my major, so a couple years ago I started a book blog called Classics and Beyond. I’ve been married for more than a year and a half to my husband, Doug, who likes cars and movies but doesn’t like chocolate, which forever wounds my chocolate-loving heart. I’m expecting a little girl in December (which is also when I’ll hopefully graduate), and I’m determined to raise her to love books…and chocolate.

One of my favorite books is The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot

My book blog: “Classics and Beyond
My other blog, for everything else: “Emily’s Moment of Time

Emily serves as an officer in the English Society

Hi, I’m Courtney Green.

I’m a hiker, an army brat, a beach bum, and a lover of classic literature. And I’m an English major.

Courtney Green

Having lunch at Hooper Springs, a hometown hangout.

I have always had a strong passion for books and reading. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve known that whatever I’m going to do in this life, it has to do with reading. Of course, back when I was younger, that desire was limited to “I’m going to grow up and read books all day, every day and live with mommy and daddy!” As I’ve grown older, while my love for all books hasn’t decreased, I’ve grown more attached to classic literature. I read Pride and Prejudice in Eighth Grade and completely fell in love with that era. They just had a certain way of writing and expressing themselves that I feel has been lost over time. I spend almost every free moment I have reading and rereading these amazing novels that have shaped my high school years. Someday, I hope to go out there and discover those amazing novels out there and bring them to light!

One of my favorite books is Ramona by Helen Hunt Jackson.

Find me on Facebook.