Tag Archives: runner

Hi, I’m Sydney Mower

I’m a runner, a perfectionist, a musician, and a feminist. And I’m an English major.

Sydney Mower


Through my wonderful AP and honors English classes in high school, I decided that English was the place for me. Poetry is one of my passions whether it be reading or writing. Though I’m not very good at it yet, you can check out some of my poems on Power Poetry. I’ve been on a kick for World War II novels and read Unbroken and The Book Thief this summer–both of which I highly recommend. I’m so excited to go through the English program here at BYU!

One of my favorite books is Caleb Carr’s The Alienist.


I’m Brooke Anderson

I’m a runner, southern belle, musician, and an early bird. And I’m an English major.

Brooke Anderson


Since I was little I would sit for hours by myself and tell stories with miniature figurines, and when figurines weren’t available I would use socks. By the time I was 7 I was writing my stories and by the time I was 10 I kept a journal. When I was 12 I started with poetry. Though I couldn’t recite my alphabet until 1st grade by the end of that year my teacher was asking for me to be placed a grade ahead in English. I love to read, but not as much as I enjoy writing. Writing has always had a calming influence on me. I am currently working on a novel and am 75 pages in. When I am not writing, I enjoy running, singing, playing my French Horn, organizing and cleaning (yes, I actually enjoy that) and spending time with my sister (a math major at BYU).

One of my favorite books is Lois Lowry’s The Giver.