Author Archives: Abigail Stewart

My Story Podcast Episode 006

BYU English alumna Rachel Rueckert describes her experiences with doing field studies to Ghana and India, Teach for America, traveling around the world for a year-long travel-writing honeymoon, and working for Harvard’s MOOC platform.

My Story Episode 005

The BYU English Society presents the fifth episode of its weekly audio podcast, My Story, featuring BYU alumnus Kathy Cowley.

See Kathy’s presentation on Jane Austen and the Art of Argument (given at Ignite Phoenix) and read about her experience on Kathy’s website.
See Kathy’s film-a-day 365 project on Tumblr or YouTube.
Check out Kathy’s memoir / BYU Honors Thesis, An American Teenager in Brazil

Major English News Episode 005

The BYU English Society presents its weekly video digest, featuring host Davis Blount and guest hosts Jacquelyn Dunn and Maddison Driggs.

Poetry Slam Promo:

My Story Podcast:

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My Story Podcast Episode 004

The BYU English Society presents the fourth episode of its weekly audio podcast, My Story. This week, English Society’s podcast producer Justin Shaw talks about his experiences at the Washington Seminar, working with the Democratic Caucus.

Washington Seminar:

Internship Opportunities:

Major English News Episode 004

The BYU English Society presents its weekly video digest. This week, host Davis Blount deals with hate mail and he and Chalene Riser give the skinny on events this week.

Poetry Slam Promo:
My Story Podcast:\
Three-Minute Student Reading Series: Come listen to invited readers read anything from flash fiction to tweets. Open mic to follow. Friday, Sept. 25, 3322 HBLL, 6:30 p.m.

Major English News Episodes 001 and 002

The BYU English Society presents the first two episodes of its weekly video news show, Major English News.

Episode 001: Introducing Major English News and BYU’s English Society. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Episode: 002: Mourning Learning Suite, discussing the opening social, future poetry slam, new English major advisement ( info about this week’s audio podcast, featuring Jenny Poffenbarger talking about her internship at the church (

My Story Episodes 001 and 002

The BYU English Society presents the first two episodes of its weekly audio podcast, My Story.

Episode 001: English Society members tell “their story.”

Episode 002: Davis Blount sits down with English Society President Jenny Poffenbarger to discuss her web content internship with the Church, her experience as an English major and an embarrassing moment she had with Elder David A. Bednar.