Category Archives: Opportunities

My Story Episode 20: Harry Potter and Pedagogy



Episode 20 of the BYU English Society’s podcast, My Story, features Nicole Westenskow, Whitney Sommerville, Tyler McCombs, and Stephen Nothum. This dynamic team of English Teaching Majors came together a few years back as a unsettled group BYU students. After doing their time at the university they are all now teaching full time here in Utah, and have made themselves known to the world for their unique achievements while here at BYU. In this episode the groups shares with us their unique pathway to the English Teaching Major, and highlights their experience while conducting research on Harry Potter and Pedagogy (for those of you who don’t know, that means teaching methods). This episode is a must listen for all of those Harry Potter fans, English Teaching hopefuls, and anyone else who wants to know a whole lot about what it means to be an English Major. Play the podcast embedded below, and check out all of our awesome episodes featuring stories on how to apply your English by visiting the BYU English Society SoundCloud page.

Check out the interview HERE

My Story Episode: Caroline Howard, English Teacher with an ORCA grant

English Society Logo

Episode 15 of the BYU English Society’s podcast, My Story, features Caroline Howard, an English turned English Teaching major who is now putting her skills to work as a 7th and 8th grade English teacher. Caroline also shared with us her incredible experience as an ORCA research grant recipient. On top of all her other accomplishments Caroline spent time as a presenter for the McKay School Symposium. Caroline pointed out to us that it was not so much what happened inside the classroom that shaped her decisions. Rather, it was what she accomplished as she work hard outside of her classes. For those of you looking into the idea of teaching English, receiveing an ORCA grant, or anyone else who wants to better understand making life changing decisions, play the podcast embedded above. Also please check out all our episodes featuring stories of applying one’s English by visiting the BYU English Society SoundCloud page.

Caroline’s Interview

Related Links

My Story Episode: Carli Hanson, Editing Minor, Communications Minor, and Intern Galore

English Society Logo

Episode 18 of the BYU English Society’s podcast, My Story, features Carli Hanson, a first in family BYU student, passionate editing student looking forward to a future in Marketing. Carli shared with us experiences she has had as an intern for Nutrigold, Hope4Utah, and Mind the Gap Worldwide. Carli shared her appreciation for the English Major and the skills that it teaches. She also offered her best advice to those looking to move towards internship opportunities. Carli also shared some of the applications that came about from her experience in the English Major and Editing Minor. If you want to know all about getting in to internships play the podcast embedded above, and please check out all our episodes featuring stories of applying one’s English by visiting the BYU English Society SoundCloud page.

Carli’s Interview

Mind the Gap Worldwide:

Editing Minor:
Communications Minor:

Major English News Episode 005

The BYU English Society presents its weekly video digest, featuring host Davis Blount and guest hosts Jacquelyn Dunn and Maddison Driggs.

Poetry Slam Promo:

My Story Podcast:

Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest

Major English News Episode 004

The BYU English Society presents its weekly video digest. This week, host Davis Blount deals with hate mail and he and Chalene Riser give the skinny on events this week.

Poetry Slam Promo:
My Story Podcast:\
Three-Minute Student Reading Series: Come listen to invited readers read anything from flash fiction to tweets. Open mic to follow. Friday, Sept. 25, 3322 HBLL, 6:30 p.m.

Major English News Episodes 001 and 002

The BYU English Society presents the first two episodes of its weekly video news show, Major English News.

Episode 001: Introducing Major English News and BYU’s English Society. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Episode: 002: Mourning Learning Suite, discussing the opening social, future poetry slam, new English major advisement ( info about this week’s audio podcast, featuring Jenny Poffenbarger talking about her internship at the church (

My Story Episodes 001 and 002

The BYU English Society presents the first two episodes of its weekly audio podcast, My Story.

Episode 001: English Society members tell “their story.”

Episode 002: Davis Blount sits down with English Society President Jenny Poffenbarger to discuss her web content internship with the Church, her experience as an English major and an embarrassing moment she had with Elder David A. Bednar.

Experiences Abroad: The Wordsworth Trust

The following is a summary of our vice president’s, Shane Peterson, summer internship with the Wordsworth Trust in Grasmere, U.K. If you have been on a study abroad trip, international internship, or travelled anywhere exciting, then please share your experiences with us by submitting to our website. If you are interested in applying for the Wordsworth Trust internship, then visit for more details.


This summer, I had the opportunity to work as a student intern for the Wordsworth Trust in Grasmere, U.K., which is situated in the beautiful Lake District National Park. The Trust maintains the museum of William Wordsworth, a famous Romantic Poet. During my stay at the Trust, I was able to give tours of Dove Cottage to tourists, guide people around the museum full of Wordsworth artifacts, work on research projects in the Jerwood Centre, help out at special events for the Trust like exhibit openings, and attend sections of the annual Wordsworth Conference. I was also able to help the head curator, Jeff Cowton, curate and create a gallery for a WWI exhibit coming this November and create a guide for future BYU interns coming to the Trust.

My favorite part of the whole experience was being apart of an even the Trust put on to commemorate the centenary of World War I. We hosted an event at the Jerwood Centre, where a local history group and the glee club read letters, recited poetry, and sang songs from the time period. Then, for attendees of the annual Wordsworth conference, we opened up the Cottage and only had candles lit inside, reenacting what it would have looked like during Wordsworth’s day. Then, at eleven o’clock, we put out all the lights in the Cottage, museum, and residential houses as part of a nationwide blackout to commemorate those who lost their lives in the war. It was surreal and wonderful just being there on this historic occasion, and I felt privileged to be apart of it.

In my spare time, I was able to read a lot of Wordsworth, learn some basic Japanese vocabulary, eat some real English fish and chips, and explore the surrounding lakes, fells, and footpaths in the Grasmere Valley. I also visited surrounding villages like Ambleside or Bowness-on-Windermere and see some famous tourist attractions in London, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwick Castle, the Cotswolds, and Oxford.

In all, this has been an incredible experience for me, and I hope to go back and see the Lakes again someday.
