Tag Archives: Editing

My Story Episode: Carli Hanson, Editing Minor, Communications Minor, and Intern Galore

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Episode 18 of the BYU English Society’s podcast, My Story, features Carli Hanson, a first in family BYU student, passionate editing student looking forward to a future in Marketing. Carli shared with us experiences she has had as an intern for Nutrigold, Hope4Utah, and Mind the Gap Worldwide. Carli shared her appreciation for the English Major and the skills that it teaches. She also offered her best advice to those looking to move towards internship opportunities. Carli also shared some of the applications that came about from her experience in the English Major and Editing Minor. If you want to know all about getting in to internships play the podcast embedded above, and please check out all our episodes featuring stories of applying one’s English by visiting the BYU English Society SoundCloud page.

Carli’s Interview

Hope4Utah: hope4utah.com
Nutrigold: www.nutrigold.com
Mind the Gap Worldwide: www.mindthegapworldwide.org/

Editing Minor: https://registrar.byu.edu/catalog/2014-2015ucat/departments/Linguistics/EditingMinor.php
Communications Minor: https://registrar.byu.edu/catalog/2014-2015ucat/departments/Communications/CommsMinor.php

Hi, I’m Tesia Tsai

I’m a creative writer, a Tumblr addict, and a student editor. And I’m an English major.

Tesia Tsai

Me at Disneyland (where I always want to be)

I’m one of the lucky few who never reconsidered her major through college. Ever since my senior year of high school, I’ve known that English is the major for me. Some cliché reasons: I love to read and I love to write. Always have. Always will. Funny fact is that English isn’t even my first language. But I guess my English tutoring in kindergarten did the trick, because I’ve grown to love the language more than my first.

Some things about me that aren’t English related… I was born in California, but I’ve lived in Utah now for more than half my life. I love traveling, though I wish I could afford to so more often. (Alas, the cons of being a college student.) I’ve been lucky enough to visit London, New York, Paris, and Taiwan (which, contrary to popular misunderstanding, is not the same as Thailand). I speak Mandarin, English, and some French. When I’m not doing homework or studying for exams, I’m usually obsessing over my favorite things on Tumblr. (If you have a Tumblr account, you’ll understand.) I would love to become a published author someday, so I spend a lot of time daydreaming about stories and little time actually writing them down. I also love watching movies and visiting the theater whenever I can. 🙂


One of my favorite books is Marissa Meyer’s Cinder.

I’m Mallory Duffield

I’m a British dreamer, photographer, and market lover. And I’m an English major.


Mallory Duffield

Forever dreaming about the beautiful English countryside.

One of my all time favorite quotes is from F. Scott Fitzgerald, who said, “That is part of the beauty of literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.” I’m becoming an English major because I’m a word nerd. I am completely obsessed with the power of words. They have always been a major part of my life, whether they were coming from my mouth or from the pen. I believe that words have a special power to touch the hearts of others, resonating deep within them and allowing them to connect with others.

To me, nothing is better than the feeling you get after reading a book that has left you utterly speechless or finally writing a poem just right. I could spend hours discussing Shakespeare or England or a new poem I heard in class the other day. Red pen on white paper is one of my favorite things. John Keating in Dead Poets Society was speaking to me when he said, “Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.”

One of my favorite books is William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury.

You can check out my blog at sincerelymad.blogspot.com!

Hi, I’m Rachael Rackley

I’m a violist, lover of chocolate, and optimist of life. And I’m an English Major.

Rachael Rackley

My viola and I

For as long as I can remember I have always been reading and creating new stories. While other kids wanted to play sports, I wanted to run to the library or book store and read a new book. While other kids spent hours playing Webkinz online, I spent hours typing out ideas on Microsoft Word for potential future novels. My mind has never stopped running with new ideas for stories, and neither has my dream for becoming a great writer one day.

As a brand new freshman at BYU I will work hard to not only evolve as a writer, but also as a person. I strongly believe that until I achieve both of these goals, my dream of becoming a great writer will never be accomplished.

Writing to me is not busy work; it is my passion and joy in this life. As I work to achieve my goals I hope I can inspire other people to follow their own dreams as well. After all, I have found that the greatest joys in this life are simply by helping other people. And if I can do that through my writing, even if it is for one person, then I know I have succeeded.

One of my favorite books is Lois Lowry’s The Giver.

Hello, I’m Shane Peterson

I’m an author, editor, writing tutor, and literature enthusiast. And I’m an English major.

Working at the front desk of the Wordsworth Trust museum.

Working at the front desk of the Wordsworth Trust museum.

I sincerely believe that behind every English student is a great English teacher. Mine was named Mrs. Ringen. She also taught me how to think critically, write with purpose, and read with a passion. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have decided to study English literature at school.

For me, being a literature student is more of a lifestyle choice than an area of study. It runs deeper than a desire to be a teacher or a writer. I decided a long time ago that I wasn’t going to make a career choice based on money but rather on what would help me become a better human being. Reading literature helps us understand others’ stories, and these stories teach us how we can live and work together as human beings. I still strongly believe that being a teacher and a storyteller and can help me live the most Christ-like life possible, because what was Christ? A teacher and a storyteller.

One of my favorite books is Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

You can see me blog, “Mere Ramblings” at http://shrpeter.wordpress.com/

Shane serves as the Vice-President of the English Society and manages the English Society blog.